Your First Workout Program To Build Muscles & Get Stronger - Beginners

So, we now know that compound exercises are the best bet for beginners. I am now writing about your first workout program that I have found the most effective & easy.

We will start with what is known as 5X5. It means 5 sets of 5 reps each. There is a website called which teaches this technique in a simple manner. I have followed this guy Mehdi & his routines have helped me achieve a good part of my physique (I am far from being a bodybuilder, but from 46 Kgs to 75 Kgs, I know I have progressed well). 

I am explaining this in a language that is a mix of both the contents of this website & my own experience. Please note that Mehdi or the site owner gives bloggers rights to link to his website. Read it here.

5X5 is the easiest & most effective workout routine for beginners & advanced bodybuilders alike. I still do 5X5 for my deadlifts & squats.

StrongLifts 5X5 consists of 2 workout routines A & B. You only need to workout 3 days a week, every alternate day e.g. Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday. You do Workout A on day 1, Workout B on day 3 & again Workout A on day 5. Next week, you start with  Workout B. Although covers everything in detail & you should be able to follow that easily, I am explaining it below for the sake of simplicity. I also have some modifications, so it's good to know that too. 
StrongLift explains everything using Power Rack. I explain everything without having to need a Power Rack or bench or any fancy equipment.

Workout A

As you can see above, it consists of 3 exercises. Squats, Bench Press & Barbell Rows. I won't be explaining it in detail since it's already covered on the website comprehensively. I am outlining what I have done & what you need to take care of.


Squats is a super compound, multi-joint exercise that works a lot of muscles including your thighs, calves, abs & lower back. It is a great exercise to add bulk to your frame in less time. But you need to squat with proper form & technique because there is a great risk of injury if done incorrectly. If you are not that strong, please have a spotter to assist you. Start with an empty barbell & learn the proper form first. Since it is a 5X5 program, do only 5 sets of 5 reps and add plates to the barbell only when you feel you can do it with proper form. And DON'T add too much weight when you are an absolute beginner. I suggest adding 4/5 Kgs plates on both sides once you have mastered the form. 

In beginning, don't add weight in every set as people normally do. Instead, add weight every week. If you can't squat with heavy weights, don't add any plates at all. The form is more important. Try adding 1/2 Kgs plates if needed & gradually increase that every week. I am suggesting adding it every week and not every alternate day because not everyone can squat properly. And with heavy weights, you are bound to compromise your form. So, add only light weights & increase it every week. REMEMBER: - Form is more important. Weight is not.

My tips for squats: - Keep your chest up & shoulder blades retracted all the time while squatting. Look forward & not downward. You don't need a Squat Rack or Power Rack for it. Just do it in a place that has sufficient space for your movement, even surface on the floor & proper ventilation. The rest of the form & technique can be seen in the video below. I will try to upload my own videos soon.

Important note: - A lot of people make the mistake of pushing through their toes during squats. This does make you lift more weights or lift easily, but it defeats the very purpose of squats & also puts a lot of unnecessary strain on knees. I had myself made this mistake when I had started squatting. You should push through your *heels* when you come up. This is the reason, I ask you to start with an empty barbell until you are fully confident about the form. A knee injury can be a stopper, so be careful.

Bench Press

The only exercise in the history of bodybuilding that has its own national day :-D Yeah, every Monday is a national bench press day for most of the gym-goers. Don't know why most people work their chest on Mondays & you may also be one of them. I work my chest on Tuesday, though! Bench Press is another great compound exercise that builds your chest as a primary muscle group & shoulders and arms as secondary muscle groups. With a closed grip Bench Press, it also works your triceps. 

While everything is explained in the above website, let me take this opportunity to tell you that you can DO Bench Press on the floor or even your bed!! You simply don't need a bench for this. And there are added advantages of doing it on floor or bed. Your elbows will never go beyond the floor level which greatly limits the risk of injuries. Also, since you are not going beyond the floor, you can't cheat by taking advantage of the momentum. On the bench, your elbows go way down while descending & the barbell touches your chest that gives you momentum while doing upward motion, which is not needed.

My tips for Bench Press: - Like squats, push your chest up & retract your shoulder blades. Retracting means, pull your shoulder blades towards each other. Keep your elbows at around 45-50 degrees from your chest or trunk. A lot many people stretch their elbows too much & keep them at 90 degrees from the chest. This results in too much strain on shoulder joints & also it works shoulders more than chest. So, keep elbows at 45-50 degrees. This will bring the barbell to the bottom half or middle of the chest. Also, don't use heavy weights in the beginning. Add weights only when you are fully confident in your form.

Barbell Rows

Rows target your upper back, abs & arms. The video below shows you how to perform Barbell Row. You can read everything on the website itself. Below are my tips, however.

My tips for Barbell Rows: - I use a different variant of Barbell Rows. I don't lean this much & keep my back at around 45 degrees with the ground rather than keeping it parallel. That way, the barbell touches my abs when pulling up. Again, like both above exercises, keep your chest up & shoulders retracted. And start with very light weight. Don't use heavy weights in the beginning as it will affect your posture & form. Don't cheat by using momentum or swinging while doing this.

That's all for Workout A. Please go through for a more detailed explanation of these exercises. A major portion of the credit goes to the owner of this site. I only made a few changes for me & I think that will benefit you all. 

Hope you liked my work. In the next post, I will explain Workout B. And yes, always remember that more weight/plates don't mean more strength or muscles. The form is the most important factor.

Disclaimer: - I am not a medical expert. An intense workout is a highly demanding physical activity & is dangerous if not done properly. Please consult your physician before you start lifting weights. Even if you have lifted earlier, please seek consultation before you start hitting it hard. All the content on my blog is my personal experience & efforts. It may or may not suit you. I am here to put you in the right direction only. Please check with your doctor to determine if you are fit for lifting weights.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi,
      Here is the link to it.


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