Explaining Basic Gym Terms for Beginners
Hi There! Today I will explain a few gym terminologies you will encounter through out your journey to building muscles & gaining mass. Its important to understand these terms properly before you start lifting weights. I have myself been a victim of not knowing these things when I started lifting & it stalled my gains & progress. So, make sure you understand all these aspects so as to be able to get the maximum benefits. This list will be updated from time to time. I will also be writing separate posts for different common exercises & muscles involved. Form This is the most important part of any workout. Form means how an exercise is done? How weight has to lifted? What should be the position of your target body parts be like while performing it? It includes the upward & downward motion. Suppose, you are doing a dumbbell biceps curl. So, its form is to move only your fore-arm keeping the elbow motion-less by placing it firmly on waist or bench. If you move you...